Will Call Fuel Delivery
So you have requested to be put on the “WILL CALL” delivery list. Please read the following terms carefully:
*As a “WILL CALL” customer it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to monitor your furnace oil and or propane tank(s). You are to call the office when your oil tank is at ¼ and when your propane tank(s) reach 30%.
*The truck will deliver you fuel when we are IN YOUR AREA NEXT, NOT the day that you call. Depending on the temperature, this may be up to a full week for propane.
* If you run out of fuel and require an emergency fill, a rerouting charge of $250.00 will be applied to your account. And if you require a technician to start your appliances it will be an additional $200.00 plus HST.
* All customers on the “WILL CALL” list will not be recognized as a main source of heat. Therefore no fuel discounts will be applied; this includes the lock in rate.
If these terms are still acceptable to you, and you still wish to be considered a “WILL CALL” customer, please do nothing, but if you would like to change your account to auto fill, please email us at orangeville@birdfuels.com or call 1-888-297-6990 and make the necessary changes.
Thank you for your attention regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our offices.