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Is Your Furnace Experiencing Any of These Issues? It Might Be Time for Furnace Service!

Winter is getting closer, and we’re already starting to see colder weather.  Plenty of people are starting to fire up the furnaces in their homes and businesses for the first time this season – and that means they’re discovering problems that have occurred during the warm months.  That’s good since it gives them plenty of time to have those problems checked out by furnace service experts before the cold weather really hits.

When you fire up your own furnace, keep an eye out for these common issues.

The Five Most Common Furnace Problems

  1. Starter issues

One of the most common areas where a furnace will have issues is with the starting mechanism.  Whether it’s based on a pilot light or an electric starter, it’s very easy for the starter to become gummed up or broken during months of disuse.

  1. Dirty ducts and channels

The air put out by your furnace is only as clean as your ductwork.  Disused ducts will almost always accumulate dirt, debris, even waste from rats and other critters.  This can cause serious health issues! If the ducts are particularly clogged, they could also inhibit airflow or even cause damage to the furnace.

  1. Loud noises

If you fire your furnace up and it seems louder than you remember, or you hear scraping or clanking sounds, that’s a sign.

Regular Furnace Service Keeps Your System Working in Peak Condition

A well-maintained furnace doesn’t merely keep you warm, it also minimizes your cost of heating usage during the winter.  Bird Fuels can provide the regular maintenance necessary to keep your furnace running smoothly.  Contact us for more information!

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